On Sunday, April 10th, ADE - Académie de l'enfance and Centre d'apprentissage - LEAD - Learning Centre celebrated Autism Awareness & Inclusion Day, organized by ADE's Special Education team!

Families and their children were invited to our learning centre through child-led activities in our learning pods, sponsored by ADE and LEAD Learning centre. Children of all ages explored STEM, Sensory Play and Movement activities designed to promote different areas of children's development!
Families were introduced to Projet Équestre Goldie, a not-for-profit organization that provides therapeutic riding services for children with physical and mental disabilities, and/or learning difficulties.
Families from our community enjoyed a delicious lunch, snacks & drinks, sponsored by our Special Educator, Aviana Vicenzo.
We are thankful for the event organizers & sponsors who contributed to this year's event!
Thank you to our the families & individuals who attended and took part in the event! We look forward to bringing our community together again during next year's ASD Inclusion & Awareness event!